Display your business


Display your local business

Be part of our directory of local businesses.Registration is free! 

What do you need?

  1. Your city-issued certificate of occupancy number. To obtain one, visit the online services section of our website.
  2. An image of your logo.
  3. A PDF coupon (if you want to offer a coupon for residents to print).

Your request will be analyzed and published within 48 hours. Once you have registered, you will receive an email with your registration confirmation and a modification link, which you can use whenever a modification is required.

Please make sure to keep your data up to date, as you are responsible for the information displayed in the directory.

Your business or service will be listed in our directory for one year. A reminder to reregister will be sent to you one month earlier. Take advantage of this reminder to update your data or republish your business, otherwise it will disappear from the directory.

 Technical difficulties? Contact us at communications@ddo.qc.ca.

Boil water advisory in effect in the DDO territory