- Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors
- 514 342-1234
- pauline.grunberg@cummingscentre.org
- https://cummingscentre.org
- Initiative Go DDO
- 514 684-0070
- aaddo@ddo.qc.ca
- Initiative GO DDO
- Swinging Stars Square Dance Club
- 514 462-2102
- cheinluis@gmail.com
- borderboosters.qc.ca
- The Dollard Centre for the Arts
- 514 684-1012, poste 213
- centreartsdollard.com
- CPE les Bois Verts
- 514 683-7789
- cpe.boisverts@videotron.ca
- Fairview Centennial Scouts
- 514 573-1982
- fc.comgordon@gmail.com
- www.scouts.ca/fr/
- Dollard-des-Ormeaux Seniors Club9
- 514 684-1012, poste 20
- ddoclub55@gmail.com
- www.ddoclub55.com
- Dollard-des-Ormeaux Toastmasters Club
- 3021@toastmastersclubs.org
- www.ddo.toastmastersclubs.org
- 803 North Shore Sabre Air Cadet Squadron
- 514 421-0803
- president@803squadron.com
- www.803squadron.com
- Girl Guides of Canada - Northshore District
- 514 684-3849
- ggc.northshoredistrict@gmail.com
- www.girlguides.ca
- 122e Groupe scout, Marie-Reine-de-la-Paix
- 514 884-6199
- info@scoutsmm.qc.ca
- www.scoutsmm.qc.ca
- West Island Women's Shelter
- 514 620-4845, poste 223
- info@rfoi.org
- www.wiws.ca
- Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de l'ouest-de-l'Ile
- 514-782-0433
- info@cjeouestile.qc.ca
- cjeoieng.org/
- Westpark Preschool
- 514-400-8133
- westparkpreschool@hotmail.com
- http://westparkpreschool.weebly.com/
- West Island Black Community Association
- 514-683-3925
- admin@wibca.org
- www.wibca.org/
- WIAIH Association de l'Ouest de l'Ile pour les handicapés intellectuels
- 514-694-7090
- info@wiaih.ca
- http://wiaih.qc.ca/
- West Island Chinese Center
- 514-691-0412
- westchinesecenter@yahoo.ca
- www.wwestchinesecenter.ca
- Montreal Confucius School
- 514-691-0412
- confuciusschool@yahoo.ca
- http://wkongzischool.ca/
- Volunteer West Island
- 514-457-5445
- community@volunteerwestisland.org
- www.volunteerwestisland.org
- West Island Cancer Wellness Centre
- 514-695-9355
- info@wicwc.org
- http://wicwc.com/
- West Island Community Resource Centre
- 514-694-6404
- info@crcinfo.ca
- www.crcinfo.ca
- West Island Cake Club
- 514-943-1670
- president@westislandcakeclub.com
- http://wiestislandcakeclub.com
- West Island Golden Age Greek Canadian Association
- 514-624-9162
- michael.antoniadis@gmail.com
- Black family association of West Island
- 514-696-7906
- admin@wibca
- Filipino Canadian Association of West Island
- 514-696-0247
- adorsbolusan@hotmail.com
- https://www.fcawi.ca
- Canorient Christian Association
- 438-883-0090
- normarego23@gmail.com
- https://canorient.wixsite.com/canorient
- The Becket Players
- 514-465-3029
- info@becketplayers.ca
- https://www.becketplayers.ca
- Friends of Canadian Polish Youth Inc
- 514-620-0513
- t.wlodarczyk@sympatico.ca
- https://www.becketplayers.ca
- Nova West Island
- 514-695-8335
- mfjuneau@novawi.org
- https://www.novawi.org
- West Island Youth Symphony Orchestra
- 514-834-9025
- info@osjwi.ca
- https://www.osjwi.qc.ca
- West Island Community Shares
- 514-695-8694
- nynke@partageaction.ca
- https://www.communityshares.ca/
- West Island Citizen Advocacy
- 514-694-5850
- sedriss@pcbo-wica.com
- https://www.benevolpcbo.com
- AMCAL Family Services
- 514-694-3161
- afs@amcal.ca
- https://www.amcal.ca
- Gujarati Samaj of Montreal
- 514-836-3880
- nimishmehta@gmail.com
- https://www.gujaratisamajj.ca
- 514-636-0903
- odette.forest@gmail.com
- https://www.amcal.ca
- CPE Dollard
- 514-683-7366
- info@cpedollard.ca