Planning Advisory Committee


Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Planning Advisory Committee has the mandate to provide advice and make recommendations to Council on requests received from residents wishing to undertake any renovation or construction project prior to issuing a permit and requests concerning urban planning.

Functions of the PAC

  • Review and submit to Council recommendations on all applications relating to minor exemptions, comprehensive development programmes, site planning and architectural integration programmes, and specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposals for an immovable (SCAOPI).

  • Review and submit to Council recommendations on draft by-laws to amend the Urban Planning By-law, and, as the case may be, zoning by-laws, subdivision by-laws, and the By-law concerning minor exemptions.

  • Review and submit to Council recommendations on all urban planning, zoning and subdivision matters referred by the municipal Council.

Date of meetings

Deadlines for submitting a request and all necessary documents for analysis

Boil water advisory in effect in the DDO territory