You can report a problem on public property 365 days a year via our computerized system.
Before accessing the online request form, please read the following information:
- Residents can access this service at any time;
- Before reporting a malfunctioning street lamp or a pothole on the street, make sure that the problem is exclusively on public property. Potholes on private parking lots or streets (condominiums, apartment buildings or shopping malls) will not be repaired. Please report any problem on private property directly to the owner or caretaker of the concerned property;
- A request to repair a problem on City property will be treated as quickly as possible.
To report a malfunctioning street light or a pothole on public property, please click on the appropriate link (upcoming online service).

Malfunctioning street light
To report a malfunctioning street light, please call at 514-684-1034 or e-mail at