Snow removal plan

Each year at the end of the summer, the Public Works Department prepares its overall snow removal strategy. This planning is essential to ensure quality service for residents.

In the fall of 2019, the City met with private snow removal contractors to present the tools available for effective coordination of snow removal operations. Since winter 2019-2020, the City is now emailing contractors authorized to perform snow removal to announce the start time of snow removal operations throughout the City.


The City is divided into thirteen (13) snow removal sectors where main and secondary arteries and collector streets have priority over residential streets. Eight (8) of these sectors are maintained by City employees, and the remaining five (5) are cleared by contractors.


Principal roads (Des Sources, St-Jean, Salaberry, Brunswick and Sunnybrooke boulevards)


Secondary roads and collector streets


Residential streets

Snow removal operations provided by the city

Snow clearing

In order to facilitate the removal of snow, the City is authorized to order the installation of signs prohibiting the parking of any vehicle until operations have ended.

During snow removal operations, a duly authorized municipal employee is empowered to have a motor vehicle towed and, in certain cases, to divert traffic.

Loading – Snow blowing

Salt and abrasives application

Snow removal contractors

Definition: Any person who carries out, by means of a motorized vehicle, clearing and snow removal for the owner, occupant or person in charge of a private property of a residential, commercial, industrial or institutional nature.


This information sheet has no legal authority. The official texts from the by-laws take precedence.

Boil water advisory in effect in the DDO territory