Certificate of tree felling



Services provided by trees

In recent years, our knowledge of the benefits of urban trees has grown tremendously. There is now evidence that the urban forest provides many services to municipalities (link to come)

The City views the urban forest as a valuable public asset and tree removal is a last resort. Each owner who needs to cut down a tree over 10 cm in diameter must obtain a certificate of authorization and fill out the application form which will be forwarded to a City inspector for analysis.


Any tree removed must be replaced if space permits, your permit is conditional on the planting of a new tree. The City will require a $500 deposit to secure a replacement planting. Your deposit will be refunded once the new planting has been approved. The replacement tree must have a trunk diameter of 2.5 cm or greater at planting, or in the case of a coniferous tree, a height of 1.5 m, and must reach a minimum height of 5 m at maturity. The tree must also respect the other conditions and provisions in accordance with the regulations in force, consult the Regulation governing the planting of trees, chap. V. (pages 9-11) (link to come)

A planting program (link to come) is available for replacements of felled trees, however you are responsible for determining the location of the new planting according to the restrictions of the municipal by-law in effect. Financial assistance programs are also available for Ash trees for treatment, felling and replacement trees. (link to come).

Common tree

If the tree to be cut down is a common one, i.e. a significant part of the trunk is on each property, you must obtain the authorization and signature of your neighbor. In this situation, each neighbor will have to plant a replacement tree. It is your responsibility to determine with your certificate of location if the tree is common or not.

Reasons not valid for felling a tree

Aesthetics, shade, falling twigs, leaves, flowers or fruit, the presence of roots on the surface of the ground, the presence of insects or animals, bad odours, exudation of sap or honeydew or the release of pollen from a tree are not valid reasons for obtaining a certificate of authorization.

The certificate of authorization is only issued in specific situations

  • the tree is dead,
  • it represents a danger that can not be made safe by bracing or pruning,
  • it is decaying and irrecoverable (ex: more than 50% of the crown is dead),
  • it is located at the site of planned construction work, approval of the plan by the urban planning department is then required.

Also based on a report from a certified arborist:

  • the tree is structurally weak and compromises its strength,
  • it is causing serious damage,
  • it is diseased and likely to transmit the disease.


In these situations, the citizen must attach the expert’s report to his request.

Boil water advisory in effect in the DDO territory